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Director (CA, BMS, Dip NCAET, Cpp)

Aaron Brown

Aaron Brown founded ALB Chartered Accounting in 2008, and has over 25 years accounting experience.

Aaron has worked in the corporate world of import/export and taught Accounting at the Tairawhiti Polytech (now EIT Gisborne campus). He also spent time working in the South Island as a senior manager of some medium to large accounting firms before returning to Gisborne to start ALB Chartered Accounting.

Aaron brings his practical business and entrepreneurial experience into ALB Chartered Accounting Ltd with a couple of non-accounting ventures successfully on the go. Aaron believes in sharing knowledge with clients to help them grow and make better decisions with better information. Aaron is also actively involved with the Gisborne community participating on numerous committees.

(Dip, TCH, ECE)

Katrina Brown

Katrina has worked for ALB Chartered Accounting for 8 years, she is trained and experienced with Xero and payroll. Katrina works alongside our clients to ensure their wage records and Xero accounting information is correct and up to date.

Our Mission

We focus on client needs and provide clients with a range of timely services to help guide businesses towards financial success.


5 Mill Road, Gisborne 4010

PO Box

PO Box 851, Gisborne 4010

Contact Us

06 868 1403

027 555 4252

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